Minotaur of the Lost (Super Elite)

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The Minotaur of the Lost is a giant half bull half man beast that stalks the Labyrinth. Years ago the Minotaur killed a foe and took his amulet for himself. In time the Minotaur realised the amulet gave him power over the dead and with this great power he began to create an army of spirits and worse that he intends on marching out of the dark passages onto the unsuspecting world...


Name: Minotaur of the Lost (Super Elite)
Class: Beast
Rarity: Super Elite
Level: 100


Attack: 2,648 2,683
Defense: 1,349 1,403
Armor: 1,739 1,756
Damage: 6,249 6,320
HP: 11,935 12,250
Gold: 103 119




Amulet of Souls


Minotaur Lair

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,403 2,683 6,320 14,006 7,881 5,840 4,819 4,206 3,798
Target Stats: 1,551 2,966 6,986 15,389 8,620 6,363 5,235 4,558 4,106