Pygmy Scout

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The Pygmy Scouts are small secretive people that live deep in the jungle. All this is known of these people is that they worship the Elementals that roam the area and that they are never harmed by them. The Pygmys Cover themselves in camouflage so they remain relatively well hidden in the jungle and use blow pipes that fire deadly poison darts to repel any enemies.


Name: Pygmy Scout
Class: Human
Level: 100


Attack: 497 497
Defense: 408 408
Armor: 347 347
Damage: 824 824
HP: 1,824 1,824
Gold: 101 101


Critical Hit: 15 15
Dodge: 11 11




Land of the Elements

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 408 497 824 2,171 1,259 955 803 712 651
Target Stats: 451 550 911 2,382 1,374 1,038 870 769 702