Hammerer of Morbidstein

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The Hammerers of Morbidstein were once a group of warriors sent to kill Doctor Morbidstein but they failed and the spirits of the Hammerers were captured by the Doctors magic. They are now bound to him and fight any intruders to the castle.


Name: Hammerer of Morbidstein
Class: Undead
Level: 482


XP: 1,447 1,455
Attack: 2,729 2,859
Defense: 3,477 3,661
Armor: 1,875 2,015
Damage: 1,306 1,404
HP: 9,486 9,844
Gold: 268 332


Piercing Strike: 10 12
Critical Hit: 6 13
Breaker: 9 15


Amulet of Toroos
Armor of Wollvor
Boots of Zith
Gloves of Sudtez
Helmet of Lodsin
Rapier of Nith
Ring of Roxkrath
Rune of Qieth
Shield of Hoth


Castle Morbidstein (Outer Yard)
Castle Morbidstein (Inner Gate)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,661 2,859 1,404 11,859 6,937 5,297 4,476 3,984 3,656
Target Stats: 4,047 3,161 1,552 13,003 7,563 5,749 4,842 4,298 3,936