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Clip elricso1 phixr.jpg
Joined: 16 Nov 2007
Name: Karoj
Guild: The Lords of Chaos
Allies: Kendraam, Silken, Smurflord, Relevance, jandshyne

Biography: The Creature Doomed to Live

It was dark and naked.


  It was dark and I was naked.

Yes, that's how it was.

It was dark and I was naked. And there were rats everywhere. Delicious, devoured them raw/whole. Bones splinter and shatter my mouth/slice the gums. Fur hacked out in matted clumps.

Nosde found me. I was trying to buy some clothes the Auction House. Infernus. He bought the last cheap pair for a friend. But he invited me into his guild and helped me buy a set. I've been here since level 5.

They taught me things. It was such a small guild back then. That was before jumperrr won the lottery twice in a row and got terminated. That was back when you had to buy tickets for the lotto. When a Rune of Decay cost more than 100 FSP. He wanted one so badly.

So few are left-----I can't remember most of them. Djeneral and monolake.... they were here. I vaguely remember Tanya14141 &Theobold and I think mabet Debeo but now.... the memories fade.

Forget it.

By now I figured out I can't die; doomed to live///a creature.

IMPORTANT! People, Places, Things, and Other Things

I will lay down and die to make the squeamish more squeamish!

Filling this in as appropriate.

  • Monday, Dec 3, 2007The Lords of Chaos enters the Top 250 guilds
  • Late 2007 I take 1 FSP per 100 stam hit to hit a player with twice the levels as me. TWP takes 5 off me. I learn several valuable lessons I am some where in the 50s. I decide to get my bronze BH medal/so I earns it.
  • Tiffs and Spats Some brought in by Kendraam, others from others. Several were quite fun, but I can't remember who they were.
  • 15th January 2008The Lords of Chaos break into the Top 200 Guilds
  • Late January 2008 Gaz Squad debacle. See Kendraam's History.
  • 14 Sept 2009 CALLmeABC attacks me for 10 stam. I 10 stam back. Then I get deleveled full 5.
  • I've been deleveled the full 5 at least 4 times, possibly as many as 6. Too many partials to remember.