Underling Acolyte

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Savage degenerate humans known as Underlings hunt in the darkness by using vibrations. The Underlings have a primitive form of god worship although what gods they worship is unclear. The crazed Underling Acolytes appear to fill the roll of Priests within the communities of Underlings.


Name: Underling Acolyte
Class: Human
Level: 355


XP: 0 0
Attack: 1,192 1,313
Defense: 2,114 2,264
Armor: 1,988 2,060
Damage: 1,591 1,721
HP: 6,993 7,171
Gold: 270 320


Disarm: 15 30
Dodge: 46 53


Death Mark
Etched Ring of Urrtanii
Gloves of Nurquaz
Helmet of Baaltour


Glitter Mine Depths

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,264 1,313 1,721 9,231 5,646 4,451 3,853 3,495 3,256
Target Stats: 2,503 1,452 1,903 10,096 6,133 4,812 4,151 3,755 3,491