Were Killer Penguin

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Revision as of 18:53, 12 October 2009 by Rebornjedi (Talk | contribs)

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Those who survive an attack of the Killer Penguin can also fall to this cruel curse. Where they themselves turn into the very monster they sought to defeat.


Name: Were Killer Penguin
Class: Magical
Level: 465


Attack: 2,494 2,616
Defense: 2,009 2,167
Armor: 2,555 2,675
Damage: 2,029 2,101
HP: 8,982 9,669
Gold: 286 314


Piercing Strike: 3 12
Critical Hit: 4 13
Breaker: 13 14


Amulet of Solnor
Armor of Lort
Boots of Droth
Gloves of Xull
Helmet of Louth
Hooked Spear of Adrill
Ring of Krax
Rune of Huthchor
Sea Serpent Amulet


Icebelt Thule (North)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,167 2,616 2,101 12,344 7,510 5,898 5,093 4,609 4,287
Target Stats: 2,396 2,892 2,323 13,504 8,161 6,380 5,489 4,955 4,598