Petrified Hero

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Revision as of 18:47, 12 October 2009 by Rebornjedi (Talk | contribs)

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The Isle is covered in the stone statues of warriors petrified by the creatures that live here. Many great heros have travled here and battled valiantly to destroy the evil Gorgons and lost. The Gorgons value the most mighty of warriors and re-animate them to serve as their personal bodyguards.


Name: Petrified Hero
Class: Golem
Level: 437


Attack: 2,088 2,153
Defense: 1,786 1,901
Armor: 1,800 1,910
Damage: 2,946 3,000
HP: 10,376 10,664
Gold: 280 322


Piercing Strike: 15 15
Reinforced Armor: 12 12
Disarm: 15 15


Amulet of Seadren
Armor of Zotgin
Boots of Rawtargin
Dagger of Noxgan
Gloves of Oscor
Helmet of Loum
Ring of Darkor
Rune of Lithdon
Shield of Retshall


Gorgon Isle (North)
Stheno Lake (Edge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,901 2,153 3,000 12,574 7,242 5,465 4,576 4,043 3,688
Target Stats: 2,102 2,380 3,316 13,799 7,905 5,941 4,958 4,369 3,976