Centagus Marauder

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Centagus Marauders are unhinged individuals who live to cause destruction and mayhem. This wanton lust for mayhem makes them outcasts in the Centagus nation and feared by all but the most heroic of warriors.


Name: Centagus Marauder
Class: Beast
Level: 178


XP: 357 367
Attack: 780 820
Defense: 800 850
Armor: 751 780
Damage: 1,151 1,278
HP: 1,560 1,570
Gold: 174 184


Piercing Strike: 20 30
Reinforced Armor: 30 40
Disarm: 30 40


Amulet of Fallen Dire
Armor of Rennal
Boots of Nesla
Gloves of Talimark
Helmet of Relghal
Rune of Jungal


Naral (East)
Naral (West)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 850 820 1,278 2,350 1,565 1,304 1,173 1,094 1,042
Target Stats: 940 907 1,413 2,557 1,690 1,400 1,256 1,169 1,111