Eagle of Conflagration

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Eagles of Conflagration are gigantic birds that have been tainted by the evil that surrounds these lands. It has tainted them so badly that the day that these bird become fully demon is not far away.


Name: Eagle of Conflagration
Class: Avian
Level: 249


XP: 0 0
Attack: 1,232 1,357
Defense: 442 560
Armor: 513 639
Damage: 2,095 2,213
HP: 4,371 4,673
Gold: 228 269


Piercing Strike: 20 30
Reinforced Armor: 10 15
Thievery: 10 15
Critical Hit: 10 15


Amulet of Notale
Gloves of Carella
Ring of Sayol
Armor of Balarl
Shield of Dancal


Ralath (West)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 560 1,357 2,213 5,312 2,976 2,197 1,808 1,574 1,418
Target Stats: 619 1,500 2,447 5,838 3,256 2,395 1,965 1,706 1,534