Fire Goblin

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Revision as of 08:10, 22 July 2009 by Spiridonij (Talk | contribs)

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Mastering the art of fire magic, the Fire Goblin Mages are feared adversaries capable of turning opponents into cinders. Originally from the Greenskin city of Mokshal in the Withered Lands, Fire Goblins have also been spotted as far north as Eredas, The Northern Lands.


Name: Fire Goblin
Class: Demon
Level: 32


XP: 0 0
Attack: 70 80
Defense: 80 90
Armor: 70 80
Damage: 70 80
HP: 70 80
Gold: 31 33




Lunar Treads
Bloody Gloves
Iron Round Shield


Burning Abyss (Level 1)
Burning Abyss (Level 2)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 90 80 80 160 120 107 100 96 94
Target Stats: 100 89 89 173 129 114 107 102 99