Blue Tiger

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Revision as of 22:53, 15 July 2009 by TrotNixon (Talk | contribs)

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Blue Tigers are almost unheard of and often only subject to myth. However the lands of Asjal teams with them. Some myths told by nomads living on the edge of Asjal say that the Blue Tigers are the guards to the Asura King Vashku.


Name: Blue Tiger
Class: Feline
Level: 234


XP: 0 0
Attack: 1,012 1,142
Defense: 938 1,130
Armor: 727 890
Damage: 831 934
HP: 3,706 3,904
Gold: 234 234


Piercing Strike: 45 50
Reinforced Armor: 45 50
Nullify: 45 50
Dodge: 50 60


Amulet of Offale
Boots of Jalena
Helmet of Tonar
Ring of Gorbal
Rune of Validar
Shield of Tucak
Weapon of Barrela


Asjal (North)
Asjal (South)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,130 1,142 934 4,794 2,842 2,192 1,866 1,671 1,541
Target Stats: 1,249 1,263 1,033 5,253 3,095 2,376 2,016 1,801 1,657