Bane Sprites

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Bane Sprites are a common type of evil fairy in the Caliginous forests. The Bane Sprite is weak and cowardly by itself so they group into swarms, safety in numbers gives them the courage to attack others which is their idea of fun.


Name: Bane Sprites
Class: Magical
Level: 659


Attack: 3,444 3,444
Defense: 4,341 4,341
Armor: 4,486 4,486
Damage: 1,018 1,018
HP: 13,515 13,515
Gold: 295 295


Breaker: 18 18
Sustain: 15 15


Boots of Anoth
Hammer of Tosall
Helmet of Grautla
Rune of Ghellig


Caliginous (Mire)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 4,341 3,444 1,018 18,001 11,244 8,991 7,865 7,189 6,739
Target Stats: 4,799 3,807 1,126 19,662 12,193 9,704 8,459 7,712 7,214