Son of Morbidstein

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Doctor Morbidsteins greatest creations are known as the Sons of Morbidstein. He looks upon them as his own children and heirs. However they are unfinished and undeveloped, only time will tell how powerful such a creature will be when it is fully matured.


Name: Son of Morbidstein
Class: Beast
Level: 490


Attack: 2,678 2,771
Defense: 1,227 1,410
Armor: 1,270 1,383
Damage: 4,365 4,541
HP: 9,494 10,142
Gold: 273 327


Piercing Strike: 16 20
Reinforced Armor: 5 10
Critical Hit: 5 9


Amulet of Nasfoll
Armor of Lonjor
Boots of Zarkrill
Gloves of Vosko
Helmet of Oxsinthes
Morbidstein Basement Key
Ring of Toll
Rune of Vollton
Shield of Arfoll
Sword of Pellcor


Castle Morbidstein (North Tower Upper)
Castle Morbidstein (North Tower Lower)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,410 2,771 4,541 11,525 6,454 4,764 3,919 3,412 3,074
Target Stats: 1,559 3,063 5,020 12,667 7,062 5,193 4,259 3,699 3,325