War Skull Pirate Brawler

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Many of the War Skull Pirates excel in hand to hand combat fighting, as they enjoy the rush and the skill of physically beating their enemies to a pulp with bare fists rather than using a cutlass or flintlock pistol.


Name: War Skull Pirate Brawler
Class: Human
Level: 592


XP: 1,992 2,252
Attack: 3,868 3,986
Defense: 2,040 2,164
Armor: 2,143 2,241
Damage: 3,606 3,705
HP: 11,782 11,980
Gold: 298 307


Disarm: 19 22
Piercing Strike: 24 26


Amulet of Toasel
Gloves of Horendai
Helmet of Ghoulash
Rune of Iradial


Encrow Bay (Inner)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,164 3,986 3,705 14,221 8,231 6,235 5,236 4,637 4,238
Target Stats: 2,392 4,406 4,096 15,602 8,981 6,774 5,671 5,009 4,567