Ashen Brute

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Ashen Brutes are soulless killers who rise from the ground to attack at will. Using Great Axes they can make short work of even the toughest opponents.


Name: Ashen Brute
Class: Golem
Level: 156


Attack: 671 671
Defense: 663 663
Armor: 638 638
Damage: 647 647
HP: 1,303 1,303
Gold: 165 165


Reinforced Armor: 38 38
Dodge: 18 18


Amulet of Valeer
Captains Amulet
Ring of Gebored
Boots of Fenharow


Khorl (South)
Dokar (North)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 663 671 647 1,941 1,290 1,073 964 899 856
Target Stats: 733 742 716 2,113 1,392 1,152 1,032 960 912