Giant Snapping Turtle

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Giant Snapping Turtles lurk in the deeper areas of the swamp silent and still, living on small fish. These reptiles can live upto 1000 years old and spend all their time waiting for larger prey to come along.


Name: Giant Snapping Turtle
Class: Reptile
Level: 284


XP: 0 0
Attack: 1,045 1,210
Defense: 1,577 1,710
Armor: 1,542 1,682
Damage: 740 791
HP: 5,048 5,239
Gold: 271 299


Piercing Strike: 28 40
Reinforced Armor: 36 40
Critical Hit: 31 35
Breaker: 13 20


Amulet of Licak
Armor of Snakal
Boots of Brilate
Gloves of Nerale
Ring of Alregle
Rune of Egbhar
Shield of Tharmout
Weapon of Wescrae


The Bitter Marsh (West)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,710 1,210 791 6,921 4,302 3,429 2,992 2,730 2,556
Target Stats: 1,891 1,338 875 7,562 4,667 3,702 3,219 2,930 2,737