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Joined: 25 Sep 2007
Name: Kendraam
Medals: Gold Bounty Hunter, Gold Loyalty
Guild: The Lords of Chaos
Allies: Araldite, PlzPlzme, Baoh, kelrithian, Firewing22
Enemies: thegod07, sword911, wile



Founder of The Lords of Chaos.

Commander of the Runeblades

Recruiter of Araldite

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Alignment : Chaotic Neutral


Joined 25th September 2007 with a brief months retirement in February 2008. Money spent to date: $15

Favourite kit, level 160.


PvP status

Bounty Hunting - Softcore

If you are on the bounty board, i will take your bounty with 10 stam hits, i will not return gold, i will not send money for repairs. Feel free to bounty me however next time i'll be using Hardcore rules when i see you.

Bounty Hunting - Hardcore

If you are on the bounty board, i will take your bounty with 50 stam hits, i will not return gold, i will not send money for repairs. You were on the board for a reason, deal with it. Feel free to bounty me, in fact i insist.


I will 100 stam you if i find you with more than the price of an FSP in gold on you. I expect a bounty for my efforts.

Counter-Bounty - Softcore

I will only place a bounty on anyone who uses more than 10 stam hits on me via bounties, any other attack i will just attack back.

Counter-Bounty - Hardcore

If i'm online i will fight back during any bounty placed on me with Buffs and multiple kit changes. I want a good fight.

Counter-Bounty - UltraHardcore (Experimental)

I will place bounties on anyone who attacks me, NO exceptions. I reserve the right to not place a bounty. This is NOT to reduce attacks on me but to en-liven the bounty board. I want to be hit, i also expect a counter-bounty for every attack i make. This may prove too costly in terms of FSP, tickets and gold but i'd like to have this as my default status.


Founded and took The Lords of Chaos into the Top 175 guilds before stepping down as founder.

Highest rank Rank5879.JPG

Top Bounty Hunters chart BH15.JPG

Arena Champions chart AC.JPG

Highest PvP rating: 1965

Most PvE damage: DamagePvE7581.JPG

Highest Kill Streak: KS.JPG - done levelling up to 149, not killing Doom Sheep for plant drops!

Completed a bounty on thegod07, level 172, with 100 stam hits doing 1.3 million XP damage when level 75. - now banned for being a mutli. LMFAO.

Completed a bounty on lovingsoul, level 204, Master Thiefed and delevelled, for my 3000th bounty kill when level 82

Completed a bounty on dtaxzy, level 227, with 50 stam hits doing 1.4 million XP damage when level 83 - i lost 5 levels for this however he never recovered his levels, still 226 after 6 months.

Contract kill on Ich, level 225, six 100 stam hits doing 1.8 million XP damage when level 89

Contract kill on DALECK, level 223, eight 100 stam hits doing 2.5 million XP damage when level 93 - i lost 5 levels for this.

Contract kill on toshi04, level 239, three 100 stam hits doing 1.3 million XP damage when level 105

Completed a bounty on MrWright, level 248, ten 100 stam hits doing 3.8 million XP damage when level 104 - no counter-bounty for this, respect.

Completed a bounty on cfhi, level 289, only 10 stam hits when level 176

Bounty hit on levy1977, level 499, 310 stam used doing 10.6 million XP damage when level 175 - i lost 5 levels for this.

Highest bounty on my head: 10 FSP courtesy of shwazemoto.

Most number of hunters trying to kill me: 18 courtesy of For Fracks Sake, second place 16 courtesy of The Wicked Players.

Most gold stolen: 3 million gold from levy1977 - appeared on the bounty board with 7 million gold on hand. Unfortuantely i only had 460 stam left. With 1 missed hit (he was 324 levels above me) i totalled levy1977 lost 3,145,296 gold of which Kendraam stole 2,358,974. After running out of stam he gained another 8 million gold from somewhere. Note to self: save reserve stam next time.

2nd place: 2 million gold from init101 - I finally put init101 out of his misery by Master Thiefing him. In summary: 7 hits using 600 stam, 1 deflect, 1 Protect Gold, 5 sucesses totalling init101 lost 1,927,644 gold of which Kendraam stole 1,445,736 gold. Moral of the story: Don't log off after having just set-up two 50 FSP secure trades especially after advertising the fact on the FS box. Idiot.

Best Defenses: You were victorious over Starrywolf in combat. Level 246, i was level 105 PvPDefense.JPG

You were victorious over Harbingerr in combat. Level 302, i was level 172 in the midst of a 5 level delevel. PvPDefense2.JPG

Biggest single gold hit, Most XP lost, Highest Level hit: levy1977: level 499 at the time, stam used....100 *Ouch* Levy1977Two.JPG


Life in the local moneychangers was becoming tedious and Kendraam was fed up with sitting behind a desk whilst adventurer after adventurer came up from the docks and stashed thousands of gold pieces.

One morning Kendraam and his colleague Borric decided enough was enough and bought passage on a small fishing boat heading towards Krul Island. The trip was short and uneventful depsite sighting pirates on the way towards the beach.

The two friends consulted their map and decided to head off towards the nearby forest figuring local inhabitants wouldn't be too far. Once the beach was left behind and the light filtering through the forest canopy had dwindled, Kendraam and Borric discovered the true horrifying inhabitants. RATS!! Aaaah, hundreds of rats, everywhere............

Still fending off the rats with what little equipment they had, the two friends headed deeper into the forest hoping to find some signs of civilisation. Eventually a small settlement was discovered which boasted a Marketplace. Armed to the teeth, with pickaxes, and having left some FSP to sell at the market they ventured once more into the forest.

Ambush! Eight rabid Rats attacked from all sides but the heroes, newly armed, slaughtered the rodents and immediatelty afterwards an eerie silence descended.

Black mists rolled in engulfing Kendraam and Borric, suddenly in a flash of lightning the mists evaporated and a young man appeared. Handsome and clothed in expensive robes he exuded power. Introducing himself as Arioch, Duke of Hell, he garnered our heros with the task of spreading Chaos throughout the lands of Fallen Sword. The Lords of Chaos were born!

Before the friends had found their feet, disaster struck that very night. A young warrior called Kruelkill had been following the pair as they made camp. Previously Kruelkill had tried a protection racket with fellow thug Sword911 and had subsequently been bested by Kendraam in a fair fight. Late that night Kendraams FSP had sold, the gold appearing by magic in their camp. No watch having been set (alcohol related amensia being to blame) Kruelkill gathered a large gang of bounty hunters led by Sword911. The thieves struck and after wounding Kendraam they made off with 1 million gold.

After this set back Kendraam gathered some likeminded recruits and together with Borric their new guild was formed, never again would Kendraam be outwitted.


14:42 23/Aug/2008 Kelrithian says:'re one of the few players around who are without question, truly hardcore =) [ Reply | Buff ]

Araldite - Number Two bounty hunter. BioAraldite2.JPG

TitusNT - Number One bounty hunter. BioTitus2.JPG