User talk:DavidAHare

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Revision as of 19:13, 18 August 2008 by Belgrave (Talk | contribs)

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What you have in your user page regarding japple is considered harassment, is it not?

I've taken the liberty to temporarily remove what you have there. If you felt that this change is inappropriate, feel free to change it re-revise it.
                 CHiNback - [ Talk - Message - PM ]

Please read what I have added to what you removed from my Wiki profile.

What you have posted, while sourcing the target player's bio, is clear harassment and unwanted attention. However, I believe the real issue is whether or not the Forum rules apply on the wiki and have submitted a ticket asking about it.
If HCS says the forum rules do apply on the wiki, then what you posted will have to be removed.
 Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop  Talk  Message PM 

If I have to take what I believe is not harrassment but reposting what is already out there on Fallen Sword profiles then I will repost it on my own web page/site. I am also going by this statement "You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource." which is at the bottom of the editing area.

Because you are naming another player in conjunction with negative accusations, this is essentially the same as a "wall of shame" which is not allowed on this wiki. Because of that, it needs to be removed. What you post on your own websites is entirely up to you since they are not owned or operated by HCS.
 Belgrave, Moderator / Sysop  Talk  Message PM