Tayarog Willow Nymph

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The Willow Nymphs are beautiful female creatures with skin that looks like a tree bark and have trailing leaves for hair. They are known to bewitch travellers to their doom with magic and other fey enchantments.


Name: Tayarog Willow Nymph
Class: Plant
Level: 1842


XP: 12,498 12,936
Attack: 24,432 24,542
Defense: 1,034 1,200
Armor: 432 618
Damage: 26,404 26,486
HP: 73,431 73,781
Gold: 176 224


Dodge: 30 50
Disarm: 30 50



Tayarog Forest (Willow Copse)
Tayarog Forest (Grove)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,200 24,542 26,486 74,399 37,509 25,212 19,064 15,375 12,915
Target Stats: 1,327 27,127 29,275 82,201 41,426 27,835 21,039 16,961 14,243