Razor Isle Athornt

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The Razor Isle Athornts are large crayfish-like crustaceans that live in this part of the coast. These creatures are blind and rely on their sensitive feelers to catch prey, which is usually anything not fast enough to escape its claws.


Name: Razor Isle Athornt
Class: Aquatic
Level: 1605


XP: 9,216 10,094
Attack: 6,465 6,521
Defense: 38,659 38,737
Armor: 402 516
Damage: 237 339
HP: 64,072 64,560
Gold: 216 284


Reinforced Armor: 30 50
Critical Hit: 20 50



Sea Razor Isle (Crustacean Crag)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 38,737 6,521 339 65,076 32,796 22,036 16,656 13,428 11,276
Target Stats: 42,817 7,208 375 71,902 36,223 24,330 18,383 14,815 12,437