Coo Knight

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The most skilled of the Bheur are the Coo Knights. These skilled warriors ride upon the mighty Mooble Coo, native cows with horns perfect for goring enemies. The Bheur have close bonds with their Coo and work extremely well together in combat for such an unlikely pairing.


Name: Coo Knight
Class: Mounted
Level: 1025


XP: 3,570 3,622
Attack: 6,908 6,976
Defense: 2,295 2,371
Armor: 3,268 3,394
Damage: 10,177 10,307
HP: 22,545 23,155
Gold: 263 337


Reinforced Armor: 5 10
Breaker: 5 10
Dodge: 10 20


Blade of Matavishal
Ring of Macpeak


Stoatin Forest (Depths)
Stoatin Forest (Thicket)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,371 6,976 10,307 26,549 14,972 11,113 9,183 8,025 7,254
Target Stats: 2,621 7,711 11,393 29,168 16,371 12,105 9,973 8,693 7,840