Burzzthak the Exalted (Legendary)

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Ambox_content.png This is a Legendary Creature
Legendary creatures are only available for hunting during Legendary Events. During a Legendary Event, the available creatures and the areas/caves they currently inhabit are posted on the home page.
This creature is not normally available.



Burzzthak has returned, more powerful than ever before! Following his near success, he had to work hard to regain the Shadow Lords favor. This he has done and he is now mounting a new assualt upon the realms at the head of a huge army. He wished to raze the Cathedral of Ways to the ground but did not expect the Zogrom Legion to stand in his way.

He will crush these savages and level the Cathedral!


Name: Burzzthak the Exalted (Legendary)
Class: Demon
Rarity: Legendary
Level: 15


XP: 92 94
Attack: 142 220
Defense: 1 38
Armor: 1 55
Damage: 151 223
HP: 47 713
Gold: 12 18


Piercing Strike: 30 40
Critical Hit: 30 40
First Strike: 10 20


Exalted Emissaries Gauntlets
Exalted Emissaries Helm
Exalted Emissaries Mace
Exalted Emissaries Plate


Krul Beach Forest East
Krul Beach Forest Grove
The Mists South
Galo Caves (Level 1)
Dreg Swamp

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 38 220 223 768 412 293 234 198 174
Target Stats: 43 244 247 846 452 321 255 216 190