Tayarog Bane Sprites

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Bane Sprites are a common type of evil fairy in the Tayarog forests. The Bane Sprite is weak and cowardly by itself so they group into swarms, safety in numbers gives them the courage to attack others which is their idea of fun.


Name: Tayarog Bane Sprites
Class: Magical
Level: 1848


XP: 12,594 13,006
Attack: 23,815 23,917
Defense: 1,102 1,170
Armor: 469 585
Damage: 27,180 27,246
HP: 73,683 74,001
Gold: 194 206


Critical Hit: 80 100



Tayarog Forest (Sprite Haunt)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,170 23,917 27,246 74,586 37,586 25,252 19,086 15,386 12,919
Target Stats: 1,294 26,436 30,116 82,410 41,513 27,881 21,065 16,975 14,249