Tayarog Blood Wolf

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These solitary creatures of the night feed off the blood and flesh of their prey. Some say that these fell creatures are touched with the curse of the vampire, and its certainly true that they only hunt at night and their taste for blood is unquenchable.


Name: Tayarog Blood Wolf
Class: Canine
Level: 1847


XP: 11,946 13,626
Attack: 32,372 32,544
Defense: 441 613
Armor: 452 602
Damage: 39,778 39,958
HP: 14,588 14,934
Gold: 173 227


Piercing Strike: 30 50
Critical Hit: 30 50



Tayarog Forest (Den)
Tayarog Forest (Sprite Haunt)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 613 32,544 39,958 15,536 8,069 5,580 4,336 3,589 3,091
Target Stats: 678 35,971 44,166 17,141 8,888 6,137 4,761 3,936 3,385