Quindaneth Zinsaur Hatchling

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When the eggs of the mysterious Zinsaur hatch, a pure white baby lizard is born with an aggressive nature. These mischievous creatures roam the Quindaneth Forest, making trouble wherever they go and learning how to hunt and survive. Zinsaur hatchlings disappear shortly before they reach maturity, where they go is anyone's guess.


Name: Quindaneth Zinsaur Hatchling
Class: Reptile
Level: 1673


XP: 9,901 11,079
Attack: 6,537 6,731
Defense: 40,093 40,221
Armor: 447 509
Damage: 506 640
HP: 66,864 67,100
Gold: 188 212


Piercing Strike: 30 50
Reinforced Armor: 30 50



Quindaneth Forest (Hatchery)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 40,221 6,731 640 67,609 34,059 22,876 17,284 13,929 11,693
Target Stats: 44,457 7,440 708 74,702 37,619 25,258 19,078 15,370 12,897