Ergar Warrior Smith

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The Ergar Dwarves are an evil breed, more than happy to join with the plans of the Shadowlord although they are not so keen on working with Elves. The Smiths of the Ergar are more than just metal workers and creators of the Alchemists ideas, they are strong battle hardened warriors and an army of these Warrior Smiths stand ready for war if the Lords of Zator need them.


Name: Ergar Warrior Smith
Class: Dwarf
Level: 1543


XP: 8,804 9,042
Attack: 17,353 17,531
Defense: 366 504
Armor: 320 466
Damage: 21,028 21,176
HP: 46,941 47,559
Gold: 290 310


Piercing Strike: 20 50
Critical Hit: 20 50


Amaraths Sapphire Pendant
Rethadors Ruddy Red Shield
Warrior Smiths Hammer


Hell Forge of Hrus (Smithy)
Hell Forge of Hrus (Alchemists Labs)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 504 17,531 21,176 48,025 24,246 16,319 12,356 9,978 8,393
Target Stats: 558 19,378 23,406 53,058 26,775 18,014 13,633 11,005 9,252