Ancient Sloclorin (Champion)

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The Sloclorin are an ancient race of treemen that live in harmony with the forest around them. The Ancient Sloclorin are the leaders of their people and are as old as the forest is, indeed many remember when their was not much forest here at all. These slow beings rarely move unless they have to, preferring to ponder the meaning of trees and give wise council to their people.


Name: Ancient Sloclorin (Champion)
Class: Plant
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1532


XP: 17,146 18,038
Attack: 7,600 7,778
Defense: 491 543
Armor: 33,110 33,236
Damage: 10,305 10,445
HP: 61,834 62,380
Gold: 298 302


Critical Hit: 20 50
Breaker: 20 50
Disarm: 20 50
First Strike: 20 50


Sloclorin Bark Boots
Sloclorin Bark Gloves


Sloclorin Grove (Thicket)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 543 7,778 10,445 95,616 64,426 54,030 48,831 45,712 43,633
Target Stats: 601 8,598 11,545 103,947 69,472 57,981 52,235 48,788 46,489