Zhang Deathworm

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The Zhang Deathworm is a spindly striped creature smaller yet faster than other kinds of Deathworm. They live in small communities under the ground in burrows and also hunt together, easily overpowering their prey target with multiple lightning fast attacks.


Name: Zhang Deathworm
Class: Vermin
Level: 1512


XP: 8,564 8,572
Attack: 5,513 5,651
Defense: 287 485
Armor: 26,005 26,109
Damage: 6,483 6,665
HP: 45,988 46,652
Gold: 270 330


Piercing Strike: 20 50
Reinforced Armor: 20 50



Zhang Steppes (Fields)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 485 5,651 6,665 72,761 49,435 41,660 37,772 35,440 33,885
Target Stats: 537 6,247 7,367 79,058 53,276 44,681 40,384 37,806 36,087