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Capcauns are huge brutish creatures that dwell in caves in the area. The Capucun are ogre sized beings with snarling dog like faces that carry clubs which they squash their prey with. The Capucaun are addicted to eating humans and if the scent of man is in the air they will travel long distances to find and devour the unfortunate person.


Name: Capcaun
Class: Canine
Level: 1392


XP: 7,051 7,473
Attack: 8,815 8,957
Defense: 8,269 8,343
Armor: 8,652 8,748
Damage: 9,626 9,786
HP: 42,374 43,066
Gold: 263 337


Piercing Strike: 12 22
Reinforced Armor: 14 22
Critical Hit: 10 21
Breaker: 11 24
Nullify: 10 21


Armor of Norol
Sword of Talkan


Gorvan Canyon (Rise)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 8,343 8,957 9,786 51,814 30,281 23,104 19,515 17,362 15,926
Target Stats: 9,222 9,901 10,817 56,813 33,013 25,079 21,112 18,732 17,146