Mountain Geryon

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Mountain Geryon live in the area, these three headed giants are well known man eaters but also well known for their constant squabbling and bickering between the heads about which one gets to eat what or about what they are going to do that day or whos scratching who. If the Geryon weren’t so dangerous they would serve well as a very large court jester!


Name: Mountain Geryon
Class: Beast
Level: 1329


XP: 6,563 6,675
Attack: 6,035 6,111
Defense: 10,398 10,476
Armor: 10,445 10,567
Damage: 6,932 7,082
HP: 40,626 41,034
Gold: 272 328


Piercing Strike: 12 33
Critical Hit: 15 23
Breaker: 18 21
Nullify: 15 23


Breastplate of Nadion
Geryon Left Head
Geryon Middle Head
Geryon Right Head
Geryon Skull
Medallion of Mendarion


Pelopon Hills (Broken Land)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 10,476 6,111 7,082 51,601 31,084 24,245 20,826 18,774 17,406
Target Stats: 11,580 6,755 7,828 56,482 33,805 26,246 22,466 20,199 18,687