Mare of Doom

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The plains are often swept with hot volcanic ash storms. It is within these storms that the feared Mares of Doom charge from. These horse like creatures made from the very ash of the storm trample and burn those unlucky enough not to have taken shelter from the storm.


Name: Mare of Doom
Class: Magical
Level: 1328


XP: 6,575 6,643
Attack: 8,182 8,252
Defense: 8,287 8,433
Armor: 8,022 8,138
Damage: 9,291 9,389
HP: 40,527 41,073
Gold: 259 341


Piercing Strike: 10 22
Reinforced Armor: 15 21
Critical Hit: 13 34
Breaker: 9 23


Doom Mare Body
Eye of the Doom Mare


Pelopon Gloomvale (Stormbreach)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 8,433 8,252 9,389 49,211 28,675 21,829 18,407 16,353 14,984
Target Stats: 9,321 9,121 10,378 53,968 31,269 23,702 19,919 17,649 16,136