Rillian the Wizard (Elite)

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Rillian the Wizard is more ancient than he looks and his body has turned into crystal, a side effect of the magic he wields. An irritable character he has learned to hate sound, something that resonates through his crystal body causing him great pain. He plans to use his magical obelisk wards to amplify a spell over the world that will mute all sound for good. This must not be allowed to be...


Name: Rillian the Wizard (Elite)
Class: Magical
Rarity: Elite
Level: 1280


XP: 20,847 22,129
Attack: 23,902 24,020
Defense: 25,151 25,235
Armor: 24,994 25,132
Damage: 28,156 28,206
HP: 122,751 123,009
Gold: 266 334


Piercing Strike: 50 70
Reinforced Armor: 30 50
Critical Hit: 40 50
Breaker: 60 70
Nullify: 45 50
Hypnotize: 8 10


Amulet of Rillian
Boots of Rillian
Raiment of Rillian


Rillian Refuge (Spire)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 25,235 24,020 28,206 148,141 86,637 66,135 55,885 49,734 45,634
Target Stats: 27,893 26,550 31,177 162,426 94,445 71,785 60,455 53,657 49,125