Violet Silencer (Champion)

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The Violet Silencers are magical adepts of a secretive order. None have ever spoken ever and none outside their own knows their mission or what their order do. The most senior Violet Silencers wear magical hats that are said to give them even greater powers than their brothers. However if it is true then this extra power just lets them use disintegration spells faster than normal!


Name: Violet Silencer (Champion)
Class: Human
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1274


XP: 11,824 12,504
Attack: 7,533 7,721
Defense: 13,303 13,363
Armor: 13,441 13,599
Damage: 8,694 8,828
HP: 51,740 52,040
Gold: 243 357


Piercing Strike: 22 45
Reinforced Armor: 30 60
Critical Hit: 15 50
Breaker: 20 45


Dagger of Shalkorn
Gloves of Shalkorn


Masetas Isle (Edge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 13,363 7,721 8,828 65,639 39,619 30,946 26,609 24,007 22,273
Target Stats: 14,771 8,535 9,758 71,840 43,080 33,494 28,700 25,824 23,907