Knossotaur (Elite)

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Xerdes placed the Knossotaur in the labyrinth to guard over the captured daughter of Sadinius. However since Xerdes was defeated no one ever returned to release her and Knossotaur stands guard still. Knossotaur is a giant Minotaur who only followed Xerdes command. He is a relentless guard and fighter and will kill all who come for the princess.


Name: Knossotaur (Elite)
Class: Beast
Rarity: Elite
Level: 1270


XP: 20,267 22,039
Attack: 14,417 14,591
Defense: 919 1,113
Armor: 68,963 69,105
Damage: 16,976 17,112
HP: 121,682 122,158
Gold: 237 363


Piercing Strike: 10 45
Reinforced Armor: 10 25
Critical Hit: 10 55
Breaker: 10 25
Nullify: 15 20
Dodge: 70 80
Disarm: 30 50


Knossotaur Boots
Knossotaur Gloves
Knossotaur Ring


Daedus Labyrinth (Heart)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,113 14,591 17,112 191,263 130,184 109,825 99,645 93,537 89,465
Target Stats: 1,231 16,128 18,914 207,789 140,279 117,775 106,523 99,772 95,272