Valgotic Miner (Champion)

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These Miners have been hardened by toil and pain so that their skin is almost as tough at the rock they carve.


Name: Valgotic Miner (Champion)
Class: Dwarf
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1171


XP: 5,459 6,267
Attack: 16,586 16,716
Defense: 4,927 5,113
Armor: 4,972 5,132
Damage: 13,051 13,185
HP: 47,706 47,918
Gold: 292 308


Piercing Strike: 48 60
Reinforced Armor: 30 55
Critical Hit: 30 55
Breaker: 22 40



Valgotic Mines (Mouth)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 5,113 16,716 13,185 53,050 29,091 21,105 17,112 14,716 13,119
Target Stats: 5,652 18,477 14,574 58,368 31,886 23,059 18,645 15,997 14,232