Valgotic Miner

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These dwarves carve deep shafts into the depths of the Valgotic Mines. All dwarves are hard working, but the Valgotic Miners seem to attack the rock with an unnatural energy.


Name: Valgotic Miner
Class: Dwarf
Level: 1171


XP: 3,827 4,387
Attack: 11,067 11,203
Defense: 3,821 3,901
Armor: 3,041 3,203
Damage: 11,884 12,026
HP: 35,925 36,255
Gold: 288 312


Piercing Strike: 26 30
Reinforced Armor: 21 30
Critical Hit: 10 40


Miners Munchies


Valgotic Mines (Mouth)
Valgotic Mines (Ore Seam)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,901 11,203 12,026 39,458 21,331 15,288 12,267 10,454 9,246
Target Stats: 4,312 12,383 13,293 43,446 23,410 16,731 13,391 11,388 10,052