Wood Elf Thief

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Their has always been rumours of a Wood Elf settlement in the Athelstan Woods but none have ever found it. However the thieving activitys of the Elves are well documented as they often appear from the forest, stealing items from travellers. Often these acts of theft go unnoticed until thravelers leave the woods and realise they are missing personal items. None know why the Elves steal, but it is likely just for fun...


Name: Wood Elf Thief
Class: Elf
Level: 1084


XP: 3,519 4,085
Attack: 7,485 7,649
Defense: 3,406 3,492
Armor: 3,264 3,388
Damage: 9,773 9,835
HP: 23,996 24,300
Gold: 256 344


Reinforced Armor: 2 5
Dodge: 2 5
Disarm: 2 5



Athelstan Woods (Backwoods)
Athelstan Woods (Passage)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,492 7,649 9,835 27,688 15,538 11,488 9,463 8,248 7,438
Target Stats: 3,860 8,455 10,871 30,427 16,997 12,521 10,283 8,940 8,045