Luz Tagoz (Super Elite)

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The embodiment of the Orcs racial lust of battle and blood, Luz Tagoz manifests as a titanic Avatar for war, wreathed in raging, blood red fire. The monstrous being storms towards the battlelines of his races foes, swatting lesser warriors aside with one of the four huge weapons gripped in his mighty fists.


Name: Luz Tagoz (Super Elite)
Class: Demon
Rarity: Super Elite
Level: 680


Attack: 11,014 11,014
Defense: 65,005 65,005
Armor: 983 983
Damage: 22,703 22,703
HP: 119,715 119,715
Gold: 301 301


• [[]]:


Tagozs Tusked Visage
Tagozs Pulsing Boots
Tagozs Blood Signet


Ramdal Caves (Level 4)
Enkmar Scrubland (East)
Maedos (North)
Korundor (East)
Forest of Ral (Ancient Grove)
Audinar Depths (Inner)
Outlore Flats (Arid Outskirts)
Ymirheim Mountains (Peak)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 65,005 11,014 22,703 120,698 60,841 40,888 30,912 24,926 20,936
Target Stats: 71,851 12,174 25,094 133,357 67,196 45,143 34,116 27,500 23,089