Red Ichor

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Revision as of 00:17, 23 October 2010 by Ando (Talk | contribs)

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Red Ichor is a slimy mess of red that slither slowly around the caves. The nature of these creatures is unknown but do seem to have the ability to create features like mouths and faces in their slime. Another feature of the Red Ichor is that the creature constantly exhales a foul red gas that can cause nausea when breathed in that may give them an advantage when hunting prey.


Name: Red Ichor
Class: Vermin
Level: 988


XP: 3,457 3,475
Attack: 3,861 3,913
Defense: 4,654 4,834
Armor: 5,825 5,883
Damage: 6,381 6,541
HP: 20,823 21,073
Gold: 276 324


Reinforced Armor: 10 20
Dodge: 10 20


Amulet of Acosil
Axe of Markeghu
Helmet of Griadl
Rune of Heral


Mount Volmar (Nook)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 4,834 3,913 6,541 26,956 16,420 12,908 11,152 10,098 9,396
Target Stats: 5,344 4,326 7,230 29,487 17,841 13,959 12,018 10,854 10,077