Dustflats Wanderer

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A peaceful creature, the Wanderer walks aimlessly looking for the tough grasses of the Dustflats. Their immense shells serve a dual purpose, it protects against the predatory Sky Renders as well as shield against the heat that pervades the Realm.


Name: Dustflats Wanderer
Class: Reptile
Level: 942


XP: 3,132 3,478
Attack: 3,841 3,995
Defense: 6,588 6,754
Armor: 3,570 3,742
Damage: 5,662 5,808
HP: 19,841 20,123
Gold: 270 330


Reinforced Armor: 27 30
Critical Hit: 6 15


Amulet of Secuail
Armor of Verall
Ring of Ferinal
Rune of Teyua


Xanlin Plain (Dustflats)
Xanlin Plain (Bushland)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 6,754 3,995 5,808 23,865 13,804 10,450 8,773 7,767 7,096
Target Stats: 7,466 4,416 6,420 26,183 15,062 11,355 9,501 8,389 7,648