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Shield of BoralkeShield of BorelaShield of Bormulf
Shield of BraklarShield of BranbalShield of Brekla
Shield of BrettashShield of BrigtarShield of Bubbale
Shield of BucalShield of BueralShield of Burai
Shield of BussaleShield of CaevorShield of Caldoura
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Shield of CanyalShield of CarelalShield of Carenvol
Shield of CarnageShield of CarrekShield of Cath
Shield of CeralkShield of CerilaShield of Cevioha
Shield of ChaepoShield of ChitinShield of Clak
Shield of CoakliShield of ComatalShield of Combrea
Shield of ComebShield of ComighaShield of Commalk
Shield of ComraoiShield of CoopalShield of Corthdala
Shield of CosdralShield of CoxraleShield of Crickler
Shield of CrujakShield of CustophaShield of Dageleth
Shield of DajokakShield of DalvkeShield of Dancal
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Shield of DarmaniShield of DealkeShield of Defahl
Shield of DefalkShield of DeffaleShield of Defghal
Shield of DeitholaShield of DelaoShield of Demlar
Shield of Demonic VisageShield of DenazloShield of Desprea
Shield of DirelarShield of DisarthShield of Disconeise
Shield of DisgralmShield of DithosShield of Dordroll
Shield of DoughatShield of DraknoShield of Drelkh
Shield of DrenaiShield of DumalShield of Dunhalle
Shield of DupaloShield of EhigtraShield of Elall
Shield of EldgbarShield of EleneaShield of Elghael
Shield of ElithualaShield of ElkborShield of Emfuin
Shield of EmulalShield of EnalleShield of Enalle/Hellforged
Shield of EngralthShield of EnrighalShield of Erephon
Shield of ErknushShield of EruialShield of Fabelka
Shield of FadliShield of FageloaShield of Falas
Shield of FalemaShield of FallealShield of Farhale
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Shield of FedigorShield of FeghmarShield of Felgral
Shield of FenamorShield of FenduirShield of Fenrisha
Shield of FerghaaShield of FeyaiShield of Fiasalle
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Shield of FummalShield of GaddalShield of Gadi II
Shield of GadlobShield of GaedliteShield of Gagdal
Shield of GailstShield of GainamShield of Galoth
Shield of GaltalShield of GamelaShield of Gargamk
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Shield of LithaluShield of LitmoraShield of Loale
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Shield of MarialShield of MarkaloShield of Masake