Shroud Yaoguai (Champion)

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The Shroud Yaoguai are demon minions of the God GorGulGol. They are his demonic scouts and have been observed searching the forest. Although it is unknown what it is they are looking for, the presence of these servants of GorGulGol is not to be taken lightly as the Shroud Yaoguai are only ever sent on the most important of missions.


Name: Shroud Yaoguai (Champion)
Class: Demon
Rarity: Champion
Level: 551


Attack: 7,255 7,401
Defense: 2,073 2,208
Armor: 2,436 2,527
Damage: 4,662 4,695
HP: 16,476 16,718
Gold: 251 350


Piercing Strike: 15 20
Reinforced Armor: 11 15
Critical Hit: 17 20
Nullify: 19 20




Gao Tain Lake (Grove)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,208 7,401 4,695 19,245 10,886 8,100 6,707 5,871 5,314
Target Stats: 2,441 8,181 5,190 21,140 11,901 8,821 7,281 6,357 5,741