Terracotta Tan Cavalry

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The Catacombs of Quan are guarded by ancient Terracotta Warriors. The most numerous of these necromantic creations are Warriors, however many powerful warriors known as the Tan Cavalry were also interred along with their horses. These mounted warriors were renowned in life for their fearless skills on their mounts in the heat of battle.


Name: Terracotta Tan Cavalry
Class: Mounted
Level: 559


XP: 0 0
Attack: 2,503 2,580
Defense: 1,271 1,372
Armor: 1,329 1,391
Damage: 5,891 6,072
HP: 11,116 11,335
Gold: 291 303


Piercing Strike: 9 10
Critical Hit: 9 10
First Strike: 19 20


Armor of Fanvik
Gloves of Jickath
Sword of Isikar


Catacombs of Quan (Vault)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,372 2,580 6,072 12,726 7,059 5,170 4,225 3,658 3,281
Target Stats: 1,517 2,852 6,712 13,994 7,730 5,641 4,597 3,971 3,553