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Revision as of 17:06, 21 June 2009 by Hurjapaa (Talk | contribs)

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Founded: 07.04.09
Founder: kinkyimp



Leaders: Hurjapaa
Guild Allies: Black Savant
Guild NAPs: None
Guild FDPs: None
Guild Enemies: None



These rules should be read and understood very carefuly; as there aren't many of them, they all matter.


1. Members in ranks lower than Elite of Ruling are expected to hunt all of their stamina atleast every two days.

2. Notify the leaders when ever you will be inactive for over 2 days.

3. Members inactive for over 2 days will be moved to "Back to your post NAO" rank. Another 2 days there will lead to dismissal from guild.


1. Do not recall items that are out of your level range or items you dont need.

2. Do not recall items from a player that is online, instead ask him/her to send the items to you.

3. Always hunt with a full set for Elite Hunter bonus


1. If you ask for buffs you will have to use your stamina, or else you will be warned.

Basics of Leveling

You should always hunt with full stamina, for this way there wont be so much stamina used on casted buffs. Also killing the correct monsters (+0/+1 levels from your level) is important since you wont get as much XP from monsters lower level than you.

One-hitting is the key to succesful levelling. It means that you kill monsters your level with one hit. This will not be something to worry about until lvl 140, where you will need some offencive buffs to handle the monsters.

Where to hunt?

From level: 1-99

From level: 100-199

What are the basic buffs I need?

- Doubler

- Adept Learner

- Librarian

- Treasure Hunter

- Merchant

You will get all of these from Hurjapaa.

Tips for leveling

Firefox users should download the FallenSword helper script. It will make killing monsters faster and will calculte one-hitting stats.

Another way to fast kill monsters is quickly pressing the numbers, on your keyboard, of the monsters you want to kill.

Recalling gear

To recall gear go to Guild -> Manage -> Guild Store -> Report ->

Simply click on the items to recall, and they will be transferred into the guild store.

Hunting Setups

All setups are One hit setups except those wich are mentioned as two hit setups. The guild has all the needed gear for these setups, so that you can decide wether to go for two hit or one hit setups.

Also all setups wont fill every item slot, but guild has many additional items.

5-20 Emissaries

20-50 Plague + lvl 25 Reborn Guardian Axe + lvl 36 Sweeping Deadly Flail

50-60 Golden Cockatrice + Lesser Santork + lvl 59 Khale

60-80 Thonomoths + Khale

80-110 Deep + lvl 90 Rune of Decay

110-120 Full Moon + Decay

120-135 Mancrusha + Deep + Rune of Decay

135-150 Flaming Baron + Mancrusha + Rune of Decay + Lesser Santork Claws

150-160 Cu Sith + Santork Hat

160-175 Samaels Void + Cu Sith + Santork Hat

175-185 Banshee + Cu Sith + Samaels Void Ring

175-200 Banshee + Cu Sith + Samaels Void Ring (Two hit setup)

185-200 Cursed Samurai + Greshas Rune + Amulet of Sidel + lvl 193 Witches Catseye Shield/Cu Sith Lightning Guard + Ferals Gauntlets + Marpolo Armor + Boots of Pelacroz

200-225 Inferno Hammer + Iron Ring of Fenaz + Greshas Rune + Amulet of Sidel + Witches Catseye Shield + Ferals Gauntlets + Marpolo Armor + Boots of Pelacroz + lvl 210 Helmet of Phoal

200-225 Tarbidas + Banshee Helm + Banshee Boots + Iron Ring of Fenaz (+ Lezhal) (Two hit setup)

225+ Tarbids + Hunter + Gloving Diamond of Kozyu (Two hit setup)

Guild sets

Name Level Name Level
Emissaries Set x2 5 Plague Set x2 20
Golden Cockatrice Set 50 Deep Set x2 80
Decay Set 90 Shadow Elf Set 90
Full Moon Set 110 Mancrusha Set 120
Flaming Baron Set 135 Cu Sith Set 150
Tarbidas Spider Set 200 Hunter Set 225


All ranks have these Permissions:

- Store Items

- Take Items

- Can Recall Tagged Items

- Can View Advisor

Name Explanation Special Permissions
Guild Founder Founders only All
Special Ranks Special players, who've earned the special rank Recruit, Mass Message
Ruling with a stone club 100-500k contributed XP None
Ruling with a wooden stick 0-100k contributed XP None
First steps towards the light Trial rank for 7 days None
Stumbling in the dark Inactives None