Guild Conflicts
Guild Conflicts are a match between 2 guilds to see which guild has better strategy, equipment and team players.
Q:How do I take place in a guild conflict?
A:You attack any member in your level range and it will put you into the Guild Conflict if maximum participants have not been reached.
Q:How do Guild Conflicts work?
A:Conflicts work like this. There is a set number of attacks each guild gets(50 ,75 or 100). Each win from an attack your guild has initiated your guild gians 1 point, each lose your guild receives no points are gained. The guild with the most points at the end of the conflict wins.
Q:What if each guild has the same amount of points at the end of the Guild Conflict?
A:If each guild has equal points it is a stand off.
Q:How does a Guild Conflict end?
A:The end of the conflicts is when each guild makes all of their attacks, or the 24 hrs has expired.
Q:What does the guild get if they win the Guild Conflict?
A:For every Guild Conflict a guild wins it gets 1RP and some of the other guilds GvG points.