White Lightning Infantry

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The order of the White Lightning are the guardians of Grokhiem and their Infantry are well trained in the arts of war. However the city was taken in a night time surprise assault by the Snorgherd and few escaped. The White Lightning have gathered their remaining strength in the forest outside the city walls and now make plans to take the city back.


Name: White Lightning Infantry
Class: Human
Level: 1311


XP: 6,298 6,584
Attack: 14,772 14,944
Defense: 800 922
Armor: 280 390
Damage: 17,441 17,595
HP: 40,000 40,580
Gold: 292 308


Piercing Strike: 18 30
Reinforced Armor: 30 40
Critical Hit: 20 30


Cuirass of Ranagar
Jonaroths Treads


Taruson Wood (Brake)
Taruson Wood (Snarl)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 922 14,944 17,595 40,970 20,680 13,917 10,535 8,506 7,154
Target Stats: 1,020 16,518 19,448 45,264 22,838 15,362 11,624 9,382 7,887