Wargorz (Champion)

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Wargorz Champions are the leaders of the Wargorz clans. these huge imposing beasts are skilled bushmen and warriors and are more than capable of defending their people from slave taking attempts by the Skorpinok.


Name: Wargorz (Champion)
Class: Human
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1384


XP: 14,031 14,681
Attack: 5,192 5,382
Defense: 418 518
Armor: 32,014 32,090
Damage: 9,020 9,104
HP: 56,144 56,348
Gold: 247 353


Piercing Strike: 23 40
Reinforced Armor: 20 50
Thievery: 15 23
Critical Hit: 18 35
Breaker: 10 22
Nullify: 15 30


Axe of Barolk
Helm of Barolk


Katabian Dunes (Harsh Vale)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 518 5,382 9,104 88,438 60,264 50,873 46,177 43,360 41,482
Target Stats: 573 5,949 10,063 96,073 64,932 54,552 49,362 46,248 44,172