Quindaneth Dinosauroid (Champion)

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The Quindaneth Wastes are home to tribes of reptilian Dinosauroids. They are much more intelligent than your average giant reptile that is normally encountered in the area but still have the predatory instincts needed to be efficient predators.


Name: Quindaneth Dinosauroid (Champion)
Class: Reptile
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1666


XP: 20,076 21,534
Attack: 6,690 6,840
Defense: 576 720
Armor: 54,538 54,688
Damage: 2,745 2,815
HP: 90,416 91,046
Gold: 196 204


Piercing Strike: 40 100
Critical Hit: 40 100



Quindaneth Wastes (Scrub)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 720 6,840 2,815 145,734 100,211 85,037 77,450 72,898 69,863
Target Stats: 796 7,561 3,112 158,220 107,904 91,131 82,745 77,714 74,359