Quindaneth Brachiosaurus

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The titanic Brachiosaurus is a giant among giants. The creature is so big that few would dare attack it and the foolish that do end up squished under its giant feet, a grizzly end indeed!


Name: Quindaneth Brachiosaurus
Class: Reptile
Level: 1665


XP: 9,713 11,067
Attack: 11,820 11,874
Defense: 11,454 11,646
Armor: 11,623 11,733
Damage: 12,458 12,630
HP: 66,410 66,926
Gold: 183 217


Reinforced Armor: 30 50
Disarm: 30 50



Quindaneth Plains (Thundering Plains)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 11,646 11,874 12,630 78,659 45,196 34,042 28,465 25,119 22,888
Target Stats: 12,873 13,125 13,960 86,329 49,342 37,013 30,849 27,150 24,684