Pyron Orc Brute

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A small tribe of Orcs dwell in the area, killing or robbing any who pass through Pyron. Although they live deep in this desolate area, their skill at looting travellers means their warrior brutes are well armed for combat with stolen war gear.


Name: Pyron Orc Brute
Class: Greenskin
Level: 1708


XP: 10,641 11,227
Attack: 5,622 5,792
Defense: 404 572
Armor: 40,066 40,192
Damage: 2,426 2,568
HP: 68,250 68,458
Gold: 174 226


Piercing Strike: 10 20
Critical Hit: 10 20



Pyron Flats (Entrance)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 572 5,792 2,568 108,650 74,421 63,012 57,307 53,884 51,602
Target Stats: 633 6,402 2,839 117,989 80,156 67,545 61,239 57,456 54,934